Berenty Reserve, Madagascar


During our three incredible days at the Berenty Reserve, we were able to see so much. Dozens and dozens of lemurs, reptiles, birds, bats, and bugs. I’ve already written a post about the logistics of organising a trip to Berenty, but here I wanted to share a photo diary of our time there. This is everything but the lemurs as there were too many of those for one post. You can find the lemurs here!

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Louvre, Paris, France

A Weekend in Paris

One of my favourite people in the world was in Europe in February, so I popped over to Paris for a few days to meet her fantastic boyfriend and crash on their couch. It was so lovely.

I spent about two weeks there in 2010 while studying abroad, so I had seen most of the main tourist attractions. This time I made it to the catacombs and dragged everyone up on the ferris wheel and then kept my eyes closed the entire time, ha.

Louvre, Paris, FranceOtherwise I had a wonderful time just wandering around the city, walking from side to side and basking in the Parisian glow. Photo diary below.

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