Wow. Well, time really got away from me here. I have so much to belatedly update this blog on. Thanksgiving was AMAZING. The weekend directly after, I left for Berlin, Amsterdam, Prague, and Poland, which was one of the best trips I´ve ever taken. When I got back from that, three days later my mom arrived from Boston, and we had a wonderful week in Logrono. It was honestly so amazing to be able to show her where I live, and watch her experience Spain/Europe for the first time. Spoiler alert, she loved Logrono and wants to retire here. After that we left for London and Cornwall, which was too good to even sum up accurately. Basically I spent 6 weeks making 2016 end in the best possible way.

That said, I´m back now and living the post Christmas, post holiday, post family, and post Gareth blues. This is the first time Logrono hasn´t felt like home, or that I´ve felt homesick. I´ve had days where I´ve really missed specific people, but never where I felt out of place here. And that feeling is already fading, but getting back into the swing of things was harder than I expected it to be.

Things haven´t even really calmed down though! This weekend my friend Lee arrives, and we have two weeks with her in Spain and a weekend in Brussels to look forward to. Right after that it´s my birthday, Gareth arrives, and then the Super Bowl (let´s go Pats!), so the excitement and complete craziness will continue for about another month. Time is flying.

I have so much more to talk about–I renewed for another year here. I have MAJOR Italian citizenship updates. I have to figure out what my life will be this summer. But I just wanted to check in and say happy 2017, and that I´m still here.