Sainte Luce, Madagascar


The morning after International Women’s Day,  we left for our Sainte Luce trip to SEED’s camp.

It was GORGEOUS. We rode these little boats made from trees (that had to be consistently bailed the entire trip or they’d sink, haha), down the water to a completely wild beach. It was heaven. From there we walked through the forest to the other side of the area and had dinners and played games at an empty bar with ocean views.

Sainte Luce, Madagascar Sainte Luce, Madagascar
Sainte Luce, Madagascar
Sainte Luce, Madagascar Sainte Luce, Madagascar  Sainte Luce, Madagascar Sainte Luce, Madagascar Sainte Luce, Madagascar

Then we had a bush party, where a local band plays and woman dance and then you all dance and it was pretty fun. I was really proud of myself cause we were quite remote – the drive out took a while and often I can feel anxious being far from a town. But this was fine. I camped in a tent with spiders, I used a squat latrine WITH HUNTSMEN SPIDERS IN THEM, and just got on with it. Go me. The Sainte Luce trip was another weekend spent being so happy and proud this is my life right now!


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