Patriots Game!!

So one of the outstanding things on my 30 before 30 was to FINALLY see a Patriots game live and in person. With all the rumours about Tom Brady possibly leaving  – I’m writing this in August 2020 – he has since left and I am still in such total and complete denial, I don’t even know what to say. He’ll be back? In his prime? The dynasty will live??! So much denial – we knew if we wanted to see Tom Brady’s Patriots, the window might be closing.

Luckily we were spending Christmas 2019 in the states with my family, and the Pats had a home game on December 29th. Though tickets were quite expensive, we splurged and THANK GOD WE DID. TOM BRADY I WILL ALWAYS MISS YOU.

My dad has a friend who works at one of the pregame tents and full disclosure we went, were given like 15 free drink vouchers each, and got wasted. And that means I took very, very few photos because I was busy screaming at everything because we played like shit.

Though not our best game, I will be forever grateful I got to see Tom’s last regular season game plated with the Patriots – in Gillette. Basically, got this one done just in the nick of time.

Also I like watching at home better than at a stadium. I miss the slo-mo, reply, commentating, etc. You miss so much by being there live!