Masters of Public Health First Year

I passed all three of my exams for the first year of my masters!!

This was a rough stretch of time. I haven’t been a student in nearly a decade and I legit forgot how to study. And this time I did it with a new, full time job!

I started waking up at 5 am about six weeks before exams and studying, studying during my lunch break, studying on weekends. Just so much studying! And the morning of my hardest exam I found a leftover gift from Madagascar – a huge worm! I took the exam and went straight to A&E to try to get deworming pills, but they kept me in for loads of tests and I ended up being there until about 2 am. It seriously threw off my study schedule – I had one exam left and it was my easiest one, so I hadn’t studied much at all. I seriously considered skipping it but luckily I did not and it was actually super easy. And now I’m done with my first year!

I have eight classes left – seven exams, six papers, and a huge project. It feels pretty daunting at the moment but eventually I’ll get there!