My yarn finally arrived and I’ve started the first pattern for the Martin Storey Knit-along I’m doing! Every two weeks a new pattern is released, and you make six squares of each pattern. I’m behind because my yarn took so long to come–the second pattern was released almost a week ago and I’m still on the third square of the first pattern. Better knit fast!

But! I’m having so much fun with it. And I’ve only done two and a half squares and you can see real progress from the first square to the third. It’s neater, and it FEELS so much more natural. Once I finish these six, I start the second pattern which has two colors. I’m nervous but excited–I watched a few youtube videos and think I understand how to weave the colors in, and I can’t wait to see how it turns out!

And just so you don’t think I’ve abandoned cross stitching for knitting, here’s an update on the elephants I’m doing for my mom.

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