Flat Tour!

We moved into our flat back in early November, but due to engagements and 30th birthdays and the holidays, we are really only now getting properly settled in. Our sofa arrived just after we got back from the states, we ordered a dryer(!) and are trying to figure out how to make the kitchen more our style (TBC).

There’s so much work to do, but here is what we’ve done so far!

Living Room

The living room has gone through a real journey – starting with a dirty rug and a very blue bookcase. We got it to white and then decided to paint it Sulking Room pink – this room is now exceptionally cozy and lovely. There’s still a good amount of work to do but it’s one of my favourite rooms.


We actually have a whole new kitchen being installed in October, so this will change soon. But we’ve replaced the lino flooring with real hardwood parquet (we DIY’ed this, how-to blog post here) and moved the boiler in from the downstairs bathroom.

Guest Room

This room has had the biggest transformation, and it’s really just from a coat of paint. It’s still my favourite room in the house – I just love it!

Master Bedroom

This room still needs a lot done – we’re considering built ins under the slanted wall, as the flat really lacks storage. We’re also going to refinish the floor and paint the woodwork white. I love our rug – we got it at Trago Mills for £150 – so cheap for such a giant rug!

Spare Room

This room is serving as our laundry room, my office, and a third bedroom. Eventually it’ll become a nursery, but so far we’ve painted, removed the weird sheet music wallpaper, and replaced the old carpet.


Downstairs bathroom

This room needs so much work. Once the kitchen is done it’ll be what we tackle next. We’ve already removed the giant boiler, which has opened up the room so much. I think it’ll be really lovely once we’re done!

Upstairs Bathroom

This room is fine – it’s not really our style but it’ll be the last thing we change, if we even do. We will definitely enclose the bath, but otherwise it’s too new to justify messing with much. Which is why I love a fixer upper!


We will likely replaster all of this and everything needs a fresh coat of paint. So far I’ve spent weeks doing the banister which brightened everything up.

please ignore the giant mess, this is the only photo i had. that’s the floor that went into the study 🙂

And that’s everything! I’ll post more as we make more changes. I’m so excited to see how the kitchen comes out. And mostly because we will have a DISHWASHER!