Louvre, Paris, France


So disaster struck and I lost my old blog. My domain/hosting expired in April and with the COVID craziness I didn’t realise it wasn’t set to auto renew (or was but the card I had given years ago had since expired).

COVID, especially at the start, was crazy busy with work. I support sexual and reproductive health service delivery in developing countries in Asia (China is one of my countries, as is Afghanistan where capacity to handle a pandemic is extremely low). I didn’t even think about my blog until June, when I discovered it was down, and then had a terrible realisation that it was lost. I was exceptionally sad.

Somehow I lost the domain name the exact day I tried to buy it back (seems suspicious?), so I’ve moved to a .co.uk domain. Seems an appropriate way to end my 30 before 30 blogging journey by losing everything right after turning 30.

Luckily, the way back machine has most of the content still up. Nothing after August 2019, so I’m recreating my engagement, flat buying, promotion celebrating, decade reliving, and European Christmas marketing from scratch. However, for most other things, I was able to recover the text, and after a few days of just being sad, decided to put in the work to rebuild. I love this blog. I’m sad because I’ve lost literally all the comments, which I so enjoyed, and my few followers – but most had followed for years and years and I’m sad that little community is gone.

However, this blog has always been primarily for myself – basically a diary to look back on and see where I was at in life in 2015, where I spent my 26th birthday, etc. As such, I’m not editing anything really as I repost (minus the photos, which I have no record of so will have to be selected by 2020 Kristen). It’s hard sometimes, because I read things from years ago and feel I sound so young and naive in certain places. But that’s part of the journey. Anyway, I’m not sure if anyone will ever see this as my years of promoting my blog are probably past, but if you do stumble upon this, please bear with me as the further back you go, at the moment, the more of a WIP the blog is. One day it will hopefully be as close to restore to its former glory as possible!

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