Basque Witch Trials, Logrono


A little while after Halloween, there was a festival to commemorate the anniversary of the Basque witch trials, which took place in Logroño. There were stalls selling tons of handmade crafts and food, and they put on a truly creepy show about the history of the event. And then, because it’s Spain, we all got to go on stage and drink mead from the cauldron.

We also bought wool socks and heating pads filled with beans that you heat in the oven because our flat has basically no heat and is freezing at all times.

Basque Witch Trials, Logrono Basque Witch Trials, Logrono Basque Witch Trials, LogronoBasque Witch Trials, Logrono Basque Witch Trials, Logrono

Honestly, it’s little things like this that make me love Logroño so much. Even though it’s a city, it feels like such a community. There’s always something on and it just feels so magical that I get to live here and be part of it.