Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa


While we were in South Africa, there were so many hikes along the Garden Route we had the option of doing, it was overwhelming in the best way! We had planned on doing three: The Waterfall Trail in Tsitsikamma National Park, the Robberg Nature Reserve, and the Wilderness Heritage Trail. We ended up only doing Robberg and if you only have time for one, this is the one. It was stunning! I also have a post with more information on other options, if you’re interested.

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

Before setting out I was quite nervous, as I had read it was fairly difficult and maybe not for beginners. It was not technically difficult. There were two steeper bits where a rope is provided for balance, and one point where you’re climbing up a bit vertically, but if I can do it (me, who is terrified of heights) anyone with a reasonable level of fitness certainly can.

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

There trail has three options. The third is the longest, taking you completely around the point, which is around 9.2 km. The first half is much easier than the first, as it’s mostly a well-defined grass/dirt trail. The views are stunning and there are so many families of seals along the way. They smelled terrible but it was incredible to see them just playing in the surf.

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

The second half was for sure more difficult. There’s a long stretch where you’re moving up and down through big rocks, and we had to slow down quite a bit. That said there were a few locals who were running, so I guess how fast you go is just down to confidence!

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South AfricaRobberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

The other two route options are shorter and easier – option two brings you around the The Witsand sand dune and gives the option to circle The Island (only accessible during low tide) and is around 5.5 km. Option one brings you to The Gap and is only 2.1 km, but still quite beautiful.

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

It was also one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. The colors of the rocks, the sea, and the land were like a painting. Or like I was living inside an Instagram filter!

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

About 75% of the way through, we came to a little beach where we had one of the most refreshing swims ever! There weren’t many people around and it felt like we had discovered a hidden treasure. It’s also where the sunburn to end all sunburns happened. Top tip: if you are on Malarone, never expose any skin to sun, regardless of the amount of SPF 50 you slather on.

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

Robberg Nature Reserve, Garden Route, South Africa

If you’re on the Garden Route and looking for a hike, I highly, highly recommend this one. While there are tons and if we ever go back there are so many more I want to explore, I really do think this was the pinnacle.  If you’re up for an adventure, we passed a little cottage about midway through with an INCREDIBLE view that can be rented for around 55 GBP a night. It’s about a two hour walk to and from, and there’s no electricity, but would be a fairly epic night! You can find more info about that here. (Book way in advance!)