monterosso cinque terre

2018 GOALS

So I didn’t accomplish most of my 2017 goals, but I’m giving myself a pass on self improvement and instead feeling proud I got through the year at all!

That said, I have some big goals for 2018, and a lot of them are the same as before.

SPANISH. I am SO upset that I lived in Spain for nearly a year and didn’t leave with a higher level of Spanish. I’ve signed up for three courses here in London, the first was far too easy, though I took their placement test, and the other two have been canceled last minute due to insufficient enrolment. Why doesn’t anyone else care about Spanish?! I’m talking a placement exam with Instituto Cervantes, the official Spanish program, in a little over a week, and am definitely finding a class for January. I have two goals, one easy and one a bit harder. I want to pass the B1 exam that is being given in May. That should be easy as I don’t think I’m far off now. The harder one is that I want to pass the B2 exam that will be given in November.

I want to be physically strong again. I’ve barely worked out in the last six months and have eaten everything and anything unhealthy. I’ve definitely had my mom’s cookies at Christmas, but overall I’ve been eating better and I want to keep it up in January–maybe add in some pilates as well.

Learn to drive a standard. Living in the outskirts of London and not being able to drive is not great! Not being able to drive in Cornwall is worse. Most European cars are manual, and I need to get on it and give myself back the freedom of the open road!
Catch up on this blog. I have travel that I need to write about dating back over a year! I want to get it all down, as looking back through old posts makes me so happy–it’s a great record to have of everything I’ve done.

Get content. Like I said before, I’m having a hard time feeling at home in London. I think it’s a mixture of a few things–we don’t live in a very lively area at all, I commute about three hours round trip a day, and I feel like the future I’d been planning is disappearing. But feeling this way is only making me resent London, which isn’t helping anything at all. So I need to figure out how to either be content living here, or come up with a different plan, because unhappiness isn’t a good look on anyone! There are so many options–moving closer to central London, traveling more, taking classes I’m interested in (Spanish and I’ve also signed up for a pottery class!)–or something more drastic like going back to Spain, or France, and taking language lessons, or going to grad school, or backpacking SE Asia. The possibilities are endless, and I think maybe even just remembering that could give me the boost I need to cheer up a bit.

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