Glacier National Park

2015 Wrap Up

I can’t believe 2015 is over. Done. Gone forever. It was a big year for me, quite a bit happened, some other stuff failed to happen, but looking back I’m not sure I’d change a single second. It was the first full year I spent spent with my boyfriend (with as in with, not physically together–though I can’t wait for the December 31st I get to say that!). We spoke every day in 2015, there wasn’t a thing that happened, big or small, that he wasn’t by my metaphorical side through. We also got to experience living together, building a home (or at least bedroom) together, and the joys of an Ikea trip as a couple.

I traveled more than I did the year before, which I always want to be able to say. I went to Idylwild, London, Cornwall, Turkey, Iceland, Morocco, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Boston, and New Hampshire. I took 21 flights, went to three new countries and three new states. I showed my boyfriend around, Boston, Martha’s Vineyard, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara for the first time–his first (and second!) trip to the states. I checked seven things off my 30 Before 30 list, and am well on the way to finishing a few more.

I also struggled with finding employment and the stress inherent in that. I’m still chugging away, applying for jobs, and have hope the new year will bring new opportunities. I’m currently temping for a few weeks on the show Switched at Birth which is REALLY cool as it’s one of my favorites.

I spent the holidays in Boston/New Hampshire/Martha’s Vineyard with my family and Gareth. It was so nice having everyone together–and I think next year my mom and sister are going to come to Cornwall and spend the holidays with Gareth’s family.